
The Lethbridge Military Museum’s Mission is to promote and exhibit to the public the rich military history of Lethbridge and area from 1899 to the present. We hope this, in turn, will lead to a better understanding of our community’s military contribution to the preservation of world peace and security. NOTE: COME ON OUT AND VIEW OUR LATEST TEMPORARY DISPLAY CELEBRATING THE 60TH ANNIVERSARY OF CANADIAN UNITED NATIONS PEACKEEPING IN CYPRUS. A new tour is also on offer on Wednesday afternoons. It is called "Highlighting HerStory: Women's Contributions to Military Efforts". This new tour is about women but not just for women. To book this new tour call Wendy at 403-715-2778 or

Lethbridge has had a remarkable military history
for well over 100 years.

Many in the community are unaware of just how significant it has been. Indeed, soldiers, sailors, and air persons from Lethbridge and area served in the Boer War, two world wars, the Korean conflict, and both peacekeeping and peacemaking missions throughout the world and most recently, Afghanistan. Come out and visit the museum. It is their story and a city’s story – on the home front and the battlefields through our nation’s history. 

                                                            Here is a video about the Museum:    


Hours of Operation

The museum is open each Wednesday 12 to 4 PM.  Individuals wishing to make arrangements to visit the museum at a time or day other than Wednesday afternoons can make arrangements by calling: 403-892-6531 or e-mail:  .  NOTE: A NEW TOUR IS ON OFFER ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS. IT IS CALLED "HIGHLIGHTING HERSTORY: WOMEN'S CONTRIBUTIONS TO MILITARY EFFORTS".  TO BOOK THIS NEW TOUR CALL WENDY AT 403-715-2778 OR  .



To encourage viewing and knowledge of the Museum admission is free. Donations, however, are gratefully accepted.


The Museum is located in the Vimy Ridge Armoury located at the Lethbridge Airport, 337 Stubb Ross Road.

Courtyard Legacy Stones

The Museum completed a project to update the exterior courtyard.  The update included a patio which has on it Legacy Stones to honour soldiers, sailors, and airpersons who have served Canada and Canadians.  Legacy Stones can still be purchased for $150.00.  Those wishing to purchase a Legacy Stone or to obtain further detail are asked to contact Ray Romses at or 403-892-6531.

View Map 337 Stubb Ross Rd, Lethbridge

HMCS LETHBRIDGE at Sydney, Nova Scotia 5 April 1944 (Source: Library and Archives Canada PA-116261)


Volunteers are the greatest asset of any organization.

Persons willing to assist the Museum or supervise during museum opening hours should e-mail:  .

20TH Battery CFA CEF departing Lethbridge by train for war in June 1915. (Source: Galt Museum and Archives 19981035042)

Mosaic Project

To celebrate the Veterans of Lethbridge and area a compelling 6’ X 10’ Mural, now called the "Mural of Remembrance,"has been painted and housed in the Lethbridge Military Museum. The "Mural of Remembrance" was officially unveiled on 9 June 2017. The artist, Mr. Bill Bewick, from Calgary was present and participated in the ceremony.

The Mural highlights Brigadier General J. Stewart, HMCS Lethbridge, and a 429 Squadron (City of Lethbridge) C-17 aircraft and is composed of 60 12"X12" portraits and scenes. These portraits and scenes allow 60 stories to be told on an interactive computer all of which relate to the military history of Lethbridge and area.

Mosaic Project

Here is a video of the Mural Project:

View Interactive Mosaic

Royal Flying Corps aircraft during training manoeuvres at Leaside, Ontario. (Source: Glenbow Archives NA-4152-2)


The Lethbridge Military Museum is governed by the Lethbridge Military Unit Senate Association which is a registered society under the Government of Alberta Societies Act. One of the objects of the society is to foster interest in military history. The current Chairperson of the Association is Honouary Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Casson a prominent citizen of the Lethbridge area and former Member of Parliament. Responsible to the Lethbridge Military Unit Senate Association for the development and running of the Museum is the Military Museum Committee.

Current Members
  • Chairman - Brigadier General (Retired) Raymond Romses
  • Deputy Chairman – Major (Retired) Donald Graham
  • Ms. Wendy Aitkens
  • Lieutenant (Navy) (Retired) Gary Cook
  • Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Daniel Gosselin
  • Colonel (Retired) Wayne King
  • Lieutenant (Retired) Matthew McHugh
  • Warrant Officer (Retired) Glenn Miller
  • Major Robert Mein
  • Major Mitchell Montiminy - Commanding Officer 20th Independent Field Battery RCA
  • Lieutenant Will Moore
  • Honourary Lieutenant Colonel Dory Rossiter- Honorary LCol 20th Independent Field Battery RCA